In order to exclude a part of your audience, you'll need to create multiple custom audiences and use the "Exclude" filter in your Ad Set target.
We'll explain this in more detail in the following video or in the steps below:
Step 1. Create the Audience inside ConnectRetarget
After you enter the details like the example above, select "Create Audience". You'll see in the Manage Audiences section that the audience has been successfully added.
Step 2. Go to your Ads Manager, select the audience that you first created and then, select "Edit".
Step 3. Select "Exclude".
Step 4. Select the second Audience that you created that you want to exclude e.g. Do not show to Google visitors audience.
How to get your support tickets resolved faster?
Statistics have shown us that the more you tell us when you report an issue, the faster we solve that ticket. So...
1 - If you have screengrabs, please include them. A picture is worth a thousand words.
2 - If you have recorded a video showing the issue you're having, please include that as well. A video is worth a million words. We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos.
3 - To speed up ticket resolution, follow these useful tips How to Write the Perfect Support Ticket (That Gets Results Fast)