This guide will provide the step by step process you need to add ConnectRetarget tracking code / PowerPixel on a WordPress page.


Step 1 - Setup Tracking Pixel


The integration process starts of from ConnectRetarget where you will be first creating a PowerPixel.


The PowerPixel enables in tracking user activity on a WordPress site.


To create the PowerPixel, login in to ConnectRetarget dashboard and navigate to Audiences > PowerPixels > Add new.




When you are inside, ConnectRetarget will ask you to select the Facebook Ad account and a name for the PowerPixel you will be creating.

If you already have a PowerPixel on your WordPress site, please select the checkbox below. This is important as ConnectRetarget will create a different PowerPixel if your WordPress site already has a Facebook PowerPixel in it or you want to run both simultaneously. 

Now click  “ Update PowerPixel” . Copy the code generated which you will need to paste in WordPress site.



Step 2 - Integrate PowerPixel in WordPress


Now you need to add the PowerPixel code inside your WordPress page.


To add the PowerPixel in WordPress you first need to install the Inset Header and Footer Plugin.


Once installed, go to the plugin via WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Header and Footer.\

When you are inside, copy and paste the PowerPixel code generated by ConnectRetarget in the Footer area and click “save”.


Step 3 - Test PowerPixel Integration


To test whether the PowerPixel has successfully been implemented, you need a Chrome Extension, FB Pixel Helper ( Link -




Once you add it in chrome, go to your WordPress page and click the FB Pixel Helper from the chrome top right sidebar. It will than show you whether your PowerPixels are added or not.



Step 4 - Create Audience


Now as you have setup the PowerPixel on WordPress site, you can create unique audiences out of them. Login to ConnectRetarget Dashboard and navigate to Audiences > Create Audiences.




Here you can filter the audience based on different criterias such as time on site, page scroll, traffic source and more. Once you have created the type of audience you want, click “ Create Audience” and this audience will be created and is uploaded on Facebook Ad.


You can now find your newly created audience in ConnectRetarget> Manage Audiences and also in Facebook Ads Manager > Tools > Audiences.




Now you can create any type of ads targeted for this new created Audience.


How to get your support tickets resolved faster

Statistics have shown us that the more you tell us when you report an issue, the faster we solve that ticket. So...

1 - If you have screengrabs, please include them. A picture is worth a thousand words.

2 - If you have recorded a video showing the issue you're having, please include that as well. A video is worth a million words.
We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to

3 - To speed up ticket resolution, follow these useful tips How to Write the Perfect Support Ticket (That Gets Results Fast)